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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Class Dojo

Okay I realize that it has been an extra long time, way too long. For that I need to revamp what I am doing myself, a new years resolution in the middle of March. I attended UCET this past weekend and picked up a lot of great new ideas, tools, sites, etc... One of which surprised me Class Dojo. When I first saw this site I was taken aback. Here were these silly looking monster avatars that I could attach to each students names. I imagine this would work great with 3rd/4th graders but deep down I knew my 14-15 yr old 9th grade students would enjoy them. After putting the student names in, there is an option to add them by list, it attaches a monster to each name. If you give students the rights they can go in and pick the monster of their choice. Who knows I may get to that point, but what I really like is the option to randomize which student is selected. We were beginning class presentations and rather than just selecting who went next I decided to ask Class Dojo for help. The randomizer works well and does a nice job of picking students from all over the alphabet. We sat back and randomized and the students knew the order. I am certain this site is capable of much more than being a randomizer, in fact it has a great behavior management system, I am totally satisfied with the randomizer for now and so are the students. Nothing like having a monster avatar to get you motivated to work. If you haven't tried it or think your students are above it, think again. I'm betting any age group will fall for the monsters.

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